이을범 교수

Eul-Bum Lee

About Lab.

POSTECH PML은 energy sector의 capital project 등 플랜트 엔지니어링 프로젝트의 성공적인 사업관리(Project Management)를 위해 프로젝트 전주기에 대한 핵심 관리역량 강화 및 최적의 PM전문기술 개발을 위한 연구실입니다. 해외 플랜트를 비롯한 메가 프로젝트의 성공적인 사업관리를 위해 사업타당성분석, 제안서작성, 계약 및 협상, 리스크관리, 공정관리, 사업비관리, 품질관리 등 전사업주기에 대한 핵심관리역량 강화와 글로벌 스탠다드 적용과 최적의 PM전문기술 개발을 위한 연구를 진행하고 있습니다.

  • "Optimal Investment Timing with Investment Propensity Using Fuzzy Real Options Valuation",Yonggu Kim, Eul-Bum Lee (corresponding), International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS), (IJFS-D-17-00690R1); March 17, 2018 (accepted for publication on Mrch 17, 2018), volume x, issue y, pp z
  • “A Probabilistic Alternative Approach to Optimal Project Profitability Based on the Value-at-Risk”, Yonggu Kim, Eul-Bum Lee (corresponding), Sustainability Journal (section: Sustainable Engineering and Science); March 2018, volume 10 (3), 747
  • "Ensuring Efficient Incentive and Disincentive Values for Highway Construction Projects: A Systematic Approach Balancing Road User, Agency and Contractor Acceleration Costs and Savings”, Lee, Eul-Bum, Alleman, D., Sustainability Journal (section: Sustainable Use of the Environment and Resources); Mar 2018, volume 10 (issue 3), 701
  • “Incorporating Road User Costs into Integrated Life-Cycle Cost Analyses for Infrastructure Sustainability: A Case Study on Sr-91 Corridor Improvement Project (Ca)”, Lee, Eul-Bum, Thomas, D. K., Alleman, D., Sustainability Journal ((ISSN 2071-1050 ), Jan 2018, volume 10, issue 1, 179. (Section: Sustainable Urban and Rural Development)
  • “Probabilistic Cash Flow-Based Optimal Investment Timing Using Two-Color Rainbow Options Valuation for Economic Sustainability Appraisement”, Yonggu Kim, Keeyoung Shin, Joseph Ahn, Eul-Bum Lee (corresponding), Journal of Sustainability (section: Sustainable Urban & Rural Development); Oct 2017, Volume 9 (issue 10), 1781.
  • “A prediction method of real discount rate to improve accuracy of life-cycle cost analysis of buildings”, Lee, C.J, Lee, Eul-Bum (corresponding), Energy and Buildings, Volume 135, 15 January 2017, P 225–232.
  • "Automatic Sequence Selection and Cost Calculation for Maintenance and Rehabilitation in Highway Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)", Kim, C.M., Lee, Eul-Bum (corresponding), Harvey, J. T., Fong, A., Lott, R.,, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology (IJTST): Sustainable Transportation Technology and Policy, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2015, pp. 61-76, March, 2015.
  • “Fatigue Risk Management for Construction Worker on Rapid Renewal Highway Projects”, Jackson, J. E., Sanquist, T., Campbell, J., Lee, Eul-Bum, Hans P.A. Van Dongen, H. P., Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2347, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 11-18, 2013.
  • “Life Cycle Energy Consumption and GHG Emission from Pavement Rehabilitation with Different Rolling Resistance”, Wang, T., Lee, I.S., Kendal, A., Harvey, J.T., Lee, Eul-Bum, Ki, C.H., Journal of Cleaner Production,V33(2012), pp. 86-96.

About Prof.


  • 2019 – Present Editorial Board / guest Editor of Energies Journal (SCIE)
  • 2018 – Present Committee MoTIE/KIET Smart-engineering (산자부 스마트엔지니어링 기술개발위원)
  • 2018 – Present Editorial Board / Section Editor of Sustainability Journal (SCI); (MDPI AG/Swiss)
  • 2012 – Present Director for KICEM (Korean Institute of Construction Engineering Management)
  • 2012 – 2018 Editorial Board / academic Editor of Journal of Construction Engineering (Hindawi Publication/India)
  • 2003 – 2012 Committee: Transportation Research Board: Construction Management (AFH10)
  • 2001 – Present Journal Reviewer: ASCE J. of Const. Eng. and Management; J. of Trans. Eng; J, of Infra. Systems; Journal of Transportation Research Board


  • 2000 U.C. Berkeley Engineering Project Management 공학박사
  • 1988 한국과학기술원 토목공학과 공학석사
  • 1986 서울대학교 토목공학과 공학학사

주요 연구분야

  • Text mining과 자연어처리 (NLP) 기술을 활용한 NLP를 이용한 국제 계약서 리스크 분석
  • AI 기반의 엔지니어링 문서의 설계 정보 자동인식 및 디지털 전환 (Digital Transformation)
  • 3D-4D-5D Building Information Modeling (BIM) 기반의 engineering and construction collaboration systems
  • AI 기반의 플랜트 설계 경로 최적화

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