

기타 Android Application Compiled by Jae Hoon Jang

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댓글 0건 조회 2,289회 작성일 2011-03-03 09:19


The first Materials Science related Android Application Compiled by Jae Hoon Jang

An Android APP that allows you to use your mobile telephone or tablet to calculate the martensite (alpha and epsilon) and bainite-start temperatures, Ae1 and Ae3 temperatures of low alloy steels containing Mn, Si, Ni, Cr, Mo, Cu, V, Nb, W, Co and C.
The application was made by Jae Hoon Jang from the Computational Metallurgy Laboratory of the Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology, POSTECH, Korea.

1299111212.jpg  1299111179.jpg
▲Click on this image to see the scientific basis of the calculations

▲Professor Harry Bhadeshia, Jae Hoon Jang, & Professor Dong Woo Suh  


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