

기타 ISIJ Best Paper in 2010

페이지 정보


작성자 gift

댓글 0건 조회 2,598회 작성일 2011-04-04 14:13


The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ International) has selected the 4 best papers from the 4 field of ironmaking, steelmaking, microstructure, and mechanical properties for every year. 

This year, ISIJ has decided to confer the Sawamura Award upon EML's paper “The Role of Molten Slag in Iron Melting Process for the Direct Contact Carburization: Wetting and Separation” and the Sawamura Award as well as Guimaraes Award upon MDL's paper “Yielding behavior of Nb micro-alloyed C-Mn-Si TRIP steel studied by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction"
Therefore, 2 of 4 papers are coming from Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology, POSTECH.

The Awarding Ceremony which was planed to be held at Tokyo City University on March 25 was cancled due to the Japanese earthquake.


   ▲ Paper of Environmental Metallurgy Laboratory (EML) 

   ▲ Paper of Materials Design Laboratory (MDL) 

  ▲ Prof. Bruno C. De Cooman, Mr. Jaehyuk Jung, and Prof. Hansoo Kim


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