

Total 185건 8 페이지
  • 73
    7월 30일 ‘posco 엔지니어 캠프’ 철강대학원 방문 ​​​​​ 포스코에서 주최하는 엔지니어 캠프의 일환으로 재료, 기계, 전기 전공하는 전국의 우수공대생 52명이 7월 30일 철강대학원을 방문했습니다. 약 30분에 걸쳐 우리 대학원의 이종수 원장님으로부터 철강대학원의 설립과 발전, 다양한 성취들과 포스코 입사, 이와 관련한 철강대학원 진학과 그 향후 진로에 관한 설명을 듣고, 간단한 질의 응답 후, 30분간 RFC와 대형실험동과 같은 철강대학원의 설비들과 5층의 편의..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2015-09-20
  • 72
    International Journal of Plasticity 10월호가 Barlat 교수님을 기념해서 발행되었습니다. International Journal of Plasticity(이하 IJP)의 2015년 10월호(vol. 73)는 Barlat 교수님을 기념하는 호로, “Constitutive Modeling from Micro-Scale to Continuum”에 관한 논문들이 실렸습니다. 처음 두 페이지에 걸쳐 Barlat 교수님에 관한 단평이 실려 있고, 이명규 교수님이 에디터로 참여하셨습니다.​해당 호의 전체 내용은 다음에서..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2015-08-12
  • 71
    Prof. Sung Mo Jung won the Adrian Normanton Award Dr. Sung Mo Jung who is a professor of Environmental Metallurgy Lab, won the Adrian Normanton Award of IOM3 (Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining). Adrian Normanton Award for the best technical paper on the topic of steelmaking or ..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2015-06-16
  • 70
    Prof. Bruno C. De Cooman selected as 2015 AIST Distinguished Member and Fellow ​Professor Bruno C. De Cooman was selected as a 2015 Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) Distinguished Member and Fellow.  This award was established in 1975 to recognize an AIST member who has attained eminent distinc..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2015-03-24
  • 69
    Prof. Chong Soo Lee appointed to Advisory Board of ISIJ International ​​Prof. Chong Soo Lee, the dean of GIFT, has been appointed as a member of the Advisory Board of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) International for a four-year term. The journal, published monthly by The Iron and Steel Institute..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2015-03-24
  • 68
    Dean has been elected a fellow of The Korean Academy of Science and Technology Our dean (Prof. Chong Soo Lee) was elected as a fellow of The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) in January 2014. This is the highest honor granted to a member of the institute. Dean earned the honor of becoming a KAST fellow d..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2015-03-16
  • 67
    Prof. Dong-Woo Suh was appointed as Deputy Editor of Scripta Materialia & Key Reader of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Professor Dong-Woo Suh was appointed as Deputy Editor of Scripta Materialia under Prof. Nack Joon Kim, Editor of Scripta Materialia. Scripta Materialia is a peerreviewed scientific journal. It is the “letters” section of Acta Materialia an..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2015-03-16
  • 66
    Prof. Sang Chul Won is appointed as the President of the ACA(Asian Control Association) Prof. Sang Chul Won, who is a director of CAL, is formally elected to be the President of the ACA(Asian Control Association), effective from 2014 .The Asian Control Association (ACA) is an organization that promotes control science and engi..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2014-02-07
  • 65
    Dean has been elected a fellow of KAST Dean(Prof. Chong Soo Lee) has been elected as a fellow of KAST(The Korean Academy of Science and Technology), which is the highest honor granted to a member of the institute. Dean could earn the glory of becoming a KAST fellow due to his ..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2014-01-23
  • 64
    Prof. Youn Bae Kang is chosen as "the 100 leader to lead the industry of KOREA in 2020" Prof. Youn Bae Kang (CSL) is chosen as “the 100 leader to lead the industry of KOREA in 2020” by NAEK (The National Academy of Engineering of KOREA). Prof. Kang presented a vision for the sustainable society, which is based on the technol..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2013-12-27
  • 63
    Khan International Medal 2013 Khan International Medal to Prof. Barlat   Prof. Frédéric Barlat, the Director of MML has been selected to be awarded the 2013 Khan International Medal for outstanding life-long contributions to the field of Plasticity ..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2012-06-14
  • 62
    16th NAEK Grand Prize Winner, Prof. Chang-Oh Kang 16th NAEK Grand Prize Winner, Prof. Chang-Oh Kang  Prof. Chang-Oh Kang, GIFT-POSCO Technological Innovation Chair Professor was selected as the grand prize winner of 16th National Academy of Engineering of Korea and there was a Ce..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2012-03-13
  • 61
    Ceremony for Prof. Hae-Geon Lee's Retriement & Professor Emeritus Appointment Ceremony for Prof. Hae-Geon Lee’s Retirement & Professor Emeritus Appointment Professor Hae-Geon Lee, who was the first Dean of the GIFT and Director of Clean Steel Laboratory, played a pivotal role in establishing GIFT, the world’..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2012-03-06
  • 60
    2011 POSTECH Commencement Ceremony 2011 POSTECH Commencement Ceremony POSTECH Commencement Ceremony for 2011 Academic Year was held in the POSTECH Gymnasium on Friday, February 10, 2012 at 11am.Total 30 students have graduated from Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technolo..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2012-02-10
  • 59
    Top 10 Authors for SMM Top 10 Authors for Scripta Materialia  Prof. Seok-Jae Lee, Assistant professor of MDL has been selected as the Top 10 Authors who have had more than one paper accepted in Scripta Materialia this year.He has published 5 papers in SMM a..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2011-10-11
  • 58
    Staudinger-Durrer Medal Prof. Yuri Estrin, adjunct professor  of MDL was awarded the Staudinger-Durrer Medal and gave a Staudinger-Durrer 2011 Lecture.You can find the detailed information at http://www.mat.ethz.ch/about_us/staudinger_durrer_prize  ..
    작성자 GIFT 작성일 2011-09-15
