Lee Eulbum Professor


About Lab.

POSTECH PML is a laboratory for reinforcing core management capabilities for the entire project cycle and developing optimal PM technology for successful project management of plant engineering projects such as capital projects in the energy sector. For successful business management of mega-projects including overseas plants, core management capabilities for the entire business cycle, including business feasibility analysis, proposal writing, contract and negotiation, risk management, process management, project cost management, and quality management, and global standard application and optimization We are conducting research to develop PM specialized technology.

  • Yonggu Kim, Eul-Bum Lee (corresponding), "Optimal Investment Timing with Investment Propensity Using Fuzzy Real Options Valuation", International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS), (IJFS-D-17-00690R1); March 17, 2018 (accepted for publication on Mrch 17, 2018), volume x, issue y, pp z;
  • Yonggu Kim, Eul-Bum Lee (corresponding), “A Probabilistic Alternative Approach to Optimal Project Profitability Based on the Value-at-Risk”, Sustainability Journal (section: Sustainable Engineering and Science); March 2018, volume 10 (3), 747;;
  • Lee, Eul-Bum, Alleman, D.,”Ensuring Efficient Incentive and Disincentive Values for Highway Construction Projects: A Systematic Approach Balancing Road User, Agency and Contractor Acceleration Costs and Savings”, Sustainability Journal (section: Sustainable Use of the Environment and Resources); Mar 2018, volume 10 (issue 3), 701;;
  • Lee, Eul-Bum, Thomas, D. K., Alleman, D., “Incorporating Road User Costs into Integrated Life-Cycle Cost Analyses for Infrastructure Sustainability: A Case Study on Sr-91 Corridor Improvement Project (Ca)”, Sustainability Journal ((ISSN 2071-1050 ), Jan 2018, volume 10, issue 1, 179. (Section: Sustainable Urban and Rural Development); ;
  • Yonggu Kim, Keeyoung Shin, Joseph Ahn, Eul-Bum Lee (corresponding), “Probabilistic Cash Flow-Based Optimal Investment Timing Using Two-Color Rainbow Options Valuation for Economic Sustainability Appraisement”, Journal of Sustainability (section: Sustainable Urban & Rural Development); Oct 2017, Volume 9 (issue 10), 1781.;
  • Lee, C.J, Lee, Eul-Bum (corresponding), “A prediction method of real discount rate to improve accuracy of life-cycle cost analysis of buildings”, Energy and Buildings, Volume 135, 15 January 2017, P 225–232.
  • Kim, C.M., Lee, Eul-Bum (corresponding), Harvey, J. T., Fong, A., Lott, R., Automatic Sequence Selection and Cost Calculation for Maintenance and Rehabilitation in Highway Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology (IJTST): Sustainable Transportation Technology and Policy, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2015, pp. 61-76, March, 2015.
  • Jackson, J. E., Sanquist, T., Campbell, J., Lee, Eul-Bum, Hans P.A. Van Dongen, H. P., “Fatigue Risk Management for Construction Worker on Rapid Renewal Highway Projects”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2347, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 11-18, 2013.
  • Wang, T., Lee, I.S., Kendal, A., Harvey, J.T., Lee, Eul-Bum, Ki, C.H., “Life Cycle Energy Consumption and GHG Emission from Pavement Rehabilitation with Different Rolling Resistance”, Journal of Cleaner Production,V33, pp. 86-96. 2012.

About Prof.


  • 2019 – Present Editorial Board / guest Editor of Energies Journal (SCIE)
  • 2018 – Present Committee MoTIE/KIET Smart-engineering (산자부 스마트엔지니어링 기술개발위원)
  • 2018 – Present Editorial Board / Section Editor of Sustainability Journal (SCI); (MDPI AG/Swiss)
  • 2012 – Present Director for KICEM (Korean Institute of Construction Engineering Management)
  • 2012 – 2018 Editorial Board / academic Editor of Journal of Construction Engineering (Hindawi Publication/India)
  • 2003 – 2012 Committee: Transportation Research Board: Construction Management (AFH10)
  • 2001 – Present Journal Reviewer: ASCE J. of Const. Eng. and Management; J. of Trans. Eng; J, of Infra. Systems; Journal of Transportation Research Board


  • 1997 - 2000 Ph.D, Engineering Project Management Depart of Civil and Environ. Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, USA
  • 1986 – 1988 M.S, Department of Civil Engineering, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
  • 1982 – 1986 B.S, Civil (Agricultural) Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea

Major Research Areas

  • International contract risk analysis using NLP using text mining and natural language processing (NLP) technology
  • Automatic recognition of design information and digital transformation of AI-based engineering documents (Digital Transformation)
  • 3D-4D-5D Building Information Modeling (BIM) 기반의 engineering and construction collaboration systems
  • AI-based plant design path optimization

Lab Gallery

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